Community Outreach Program
The goal of the San Mateo County Superior Court’s Community Outreach Program is to connect San Mateo County residents, organizations, and educational institutions with their local judicial system.

Judge Rachel Holt addresses participants at a Civics 101 Academy event.
Court Visits
The Court welcomes members of the public to visit its courthouses. Please note that any person may visit the courthouses free-of-charge.
With some limited exceptions, all court proceedings are open to the public. Exceptions include Juvenile Justice Court, Juvenile Dependency Court, Mental Health (Lanterman-Petris-Short) Conservatorship Proceedings, and other select closed hearings.
Members of the public DO NOT need to schedule an appointment to observe any public court proceeding as an audience member. Courtroom proceedings for each courthouse are posted for the public to view. A list of the hearing schedule for each day may be found here.
Courthouse Locations and Hours
Please visit Locations & Contact Info for courthouse locations and hours. Court proceedings are typically broken up into "Morning" and "Afternoon" calendars. Morning calendars typically begin at 8:30 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. Afternoon calendars typically begin at 1:30 p.m. or 2:00 p.m.
Speaker's Bureau
With the assistance of its community partners, the Court's Speaker's Bureau program coordinates speaking appearances for judges and commissioners for events, meetings, or school functions.
Please note that judicial officers may be limited in what they can talk about or answer by the Code of Judicial Ethics. For example, they may not comment on cases pending before the Court or matters that may appear before the Court.
The Court’s Community Outreach Committee, which consists of judicial officers and representatives from the San Mateo County Office of Education, San Mateo County Attorney’s Office, San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office, San Mateo County Private Defender Program, San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office, San Mateo County Bar Association, and various community organizations, conducts select community events throughout the year. These events include Fred Korematsu Day, Law Day, and Constitution Month events. If you would like more information about these events, please email: