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No court facilities nor court proceedings may be photographed, recorded, or broadcast except as provided in California Rule of Court 1.150 and Court Standing Order 22-168. Under these rules, the use of cameras and other recording devices requires permission from the Presiding Judge, or the judicial officer presiding over the proceeding.

Requests to photograph must be submitted 5 court days before the proceeding, unless good cause is shown. The rule requires that requesters file (1) a Media Request to Photograph, Record, or Broadcast (form MC-500), and (2) a completed, proposed Order on Media Request to Permit Coverage (form MC-510).

The San Mateo County Superior Court requests use of the combined MC-500/MC-510 fillable form. Media outlets interested in covering proceedings with still photography when video recording is not permitted should select both “TV camera and recorder” and “Still Camera.” Media outlets are asked to indicate if they are willing to serve as pool camera if requests are granted. Completed forms may be submitted by email to:

Administrative Records Requests

Administrative records (not related to a case) may be requested by email.  Requesters are asked to include their name, organization or business, address, telephone number, and email address.  Please include a detailed description of the information being requested.  Additionally, include whether the requested records will be used to further any commercial, trade, or profit interests.  Administrative records requests may be submitted to the San Mateo County Superior Court’s Communications Officer, Daniel Radovich:

Adjudicative Records Requests

To view or request copies of publicly accessible court case or court documents, please contact Records Management.

Rules & Forms