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Privately Retained Court Reporting

 In Civil And Probate Proceedings

Court policy for use of privately retained court reporting in civil and probate proceedings effective January 1, 2023

Parties have the right to arrange, at their own expense, for the presence of a court reporter if the services of an official court reporter are not available for a proceeding (Government Code § 68086 & California Rules of Court, Rule 2.956). This document establishes the normal availability of official court reporters in civil and probate proceedings, protocols for requesting an official court reporter on an uncovered proceeding, and the policy for parties arranging for a court reporter when an official reporter is not available.

Official court reporters will be available for the following civil and probate court calendars:

  • Law and Motion
  • Complex Law and Motion/CMC's
  • Unlimited Jurisdiction Unlawful Detainer Hearings and Trials
  • Limited Jurisdiction Appellate Calendar
  • Probate Hearings and Trials

Official court reporters may be available for the following civil court calendars ***:

  • Pre-Trial Conferences
  • Court Trials
  • Jury Trials

***Please be sure to review the Court's Policy for Use of Privately Retained Court Reporting in Civil and Probate Matters and follow the Court's policy for requesting an Official Court Reporter, or contracting a Court Reporter Pro Tempore.

Counsel are responsible for ensuring that the Official Court Reporter Pro Tempore they retain knows to visit the Court's website to review the Court's policy, as well as the Official Court Reporter Pro Tempore Policy, and to be sure that they are prepared to submit a completed form CV-68: Appointment of Official Court Reporter Pro Tempore to the judicial officer at the start of their assignment.

Official court reporters will not be available for the following civil and probate calendars:

  • Case Management and Trial Setting Conferences
  • Case Management/OSC Calendar
  • OSC re: ADR
  • Collections/CMC Calendar
  • Order of Exemption Calendar
  • Mandatory Settlement Conferences
  • Unlawful Detainer Pre-Trial Conferences
  • Informal Discovery Conferences
  • Limited Jurisdiction Unlawful Detainer Court and Jury Trials
  • UD Financial Distress Hearings
  • Small Claims
  • Small Claims Appeals
  • Probate LPS Hearings

Required Court Forms

Counsel may view whether their Request for an Official Court Reporter in Civil Court Proceedings has been approved or denied by visiting the Court's Odyssey portal, and searching for the court case number. Under the filing event for Court Form CV-69, in the "Comment" section, you will see either "Court Review: Approved" or "Court Review: Denied". See the example below for a visual.

The following materials provide information for privately retained court reporters that are appointed by the Court as an Official Reporter Pro Tempore

Pro Tempore Court Reporters are responsible for completing form CV-68: Appointment of Official Court Reporter Pro Tempore, and bringing it with them on the first day of their assignment to submit to the Judicial Officer for approval and signature. Please contact the counsel that retained your services if you need any of the case information, i.e. the case name and number, in order to complete the form in its entirety.

Pro Tempore Court Reporters are responsible for bringing their own 9-pin to USB cable in order to provide real time transcription.