Guardianship - Get Help And More Information
Help with Guardianship

There are several steps to become a guardian. For a flowchart that shows you every step. click on the button below.
Self-Prep & File
Click for a computer program that can help you fill out all these forms by answering simple questions. Image
For more guardianship information:
- Make sure you visit our main guardianship page to get general information about guardianship.
- Visit the Sacramento Law Library's webpage on Law 101: Guardianship for videos, packets, and more. And go straight to the Self-Help Videos page, and click on "Guardianship" to see more.
- Visit the California Courts website Guardianship pages to get information, instructions, forms, and more.
- Review the San Mateo Superior Court's Local Rules, Division IV-Probate Department, to find out more about how guardianship cases are handled in our court.
Financial Help for Guardians:
You may be able to get child support from the parents or help from the government, like TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families), CalWorks, Social Security, Department of Veterans Affairs, or Indian Child Welfare Act benefits. You can also get help from the County of San Mateo Human Services Department.
For more information, call:
County of San Mateo
Human Services
County of San Mateo
Child Support Services
TTY 866-399-4096
Social Security Administration
TTY 800-325-0778
Department of Veterans Affairs
TTY 800-829-4833
California Department of Child Support Services
1-866-249-0773 (toll free)
TDD 1-866-223-9529 (toll free)
Remember: Any money you get for the child must be used for the child's benefit. The court may ask you to file reports from time to time showing how much money you received for the child and how it was spent. This is called "an accounting."