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San Mateo Superior Court Is Recognized For Innovative Programs

The San Mateo Superior Court was recognized by the state for two innovative programs that improve the administration of justice and strengthen the court's relationship with the community. The first program, Connecting with Constituencies, served to better connect the court with the public as part of the court's strategic planning process. The program included reaching out to the public through surveys and community forums to gain a sense of what the court is doing well and where the court could improve. More than 1000 people participated via the web, telephone and in person. The comments received formed the basis of the court's strategic plan for 2007 through 2013.

The state also recognized San Mateo Superior Court's commitment to creating excellent training and education opportunities for our court staff, as well as bringing the courts alive in the minds of students in our community. One such program, Jumpstart, is a partnership with other local courts, community colleges and the Administrative Office of the Courts. By establishing these partnerships, the court can build mutually beneficial relationships that have the potential to break down barriers, open minds, engage students with our court and justice systems and promote meaningful careers. Strong opportunities exist to create ongoing education for court staff that enhances their career development. Further, we can educate current students about well-paying court careers and recruit future court staff from among the many excellent students who attend these local colleges. This is a strong "win - win" for both court employees and community college students.

More information about both programs can be found on the court's website at is external) and on the state's website at