Records Management
All case files, except sealed or confidential files, are available to the public for viewing.
You can research names and case numbers on the public computers in our lobby. You can view filed documents and court date information for cases filed after 2000.
For marriage, birth, or death certificates, contact the Recorder's Office at 650-363-4500 or
Contact Us
NOTE: The Clerk's Office will continue to accept and process Emergency Ex Parte, Domestic Violence and all Temporary Restraining Order Petitions, and Civil Ex Partes.
Hall of Justice & Records
400 County Center, 1st Floor, Room A,
Redwood City, CA 94063 [Directions]
Phone Number: (650) 261-5100
Phone Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Office Hours: (except Court Holidays)
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
To Schedule an Appointment
Email: If you have questions specific to your case, you may click here to email the clerk's office.