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V. Raymond Swope

Civil Judge

Department Information

V. Raymond Swope, Civil Judge

Department 23
Courtroom J
Northern Court, 1050 Mission Road, South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 261-5123 sends email)

Standard Dept. 23 Orders

Tentative Rulings

Effective January 1, 2023, the Court policy for court reporters for Pretrial Conferences and Trials in civil cases has changed. Please review the Court's website for procedure.

Parties may secure their own official court reporter for any calendar where the Court does not provide an official court reporter.
More information about Court Reporting »

Communications to Department 23

Department 23 strongly prefers to be contacted by email at sends email). If your email requires a response and your inquiry is not answered by Department 23's automatic reply to your email, Department 23 will do its best to respond as quickly as possible. All emails to Department 23 should include the other parties.

If you send an email to Department 23, please include the following information in the "subject line" header: (1) case name; (2) case number; and (3) a brief description of the purpose of the email. For example: Smith v. Jones, CIV1234, Proposed Order. Otherwise, a response to your email will likely be delayed.

All filings, including orders, are to be done through the Civil Clerk's office in Redwood City. Courtesy copies, all pretrial, and trial documents shall be delivered directly to Courtroom J at the Northern Court, 1050 Mission Road, South San Francisco, CA 94080.

Remote Appearance Information and Procedures

Judge Swope now conducts all remote hearings and conferences through Zoom.

All participants must use their full first and last name when signing on to Zoom. Participants should "RE-NAME" how their names appear to the Court on Zoom if they show as phone numbers only. Participants should also mute themselves until their matter is called. Department 23 requests that counsel and parties sign on to Zoom fifteen (15) minutes before the hearing.

Any recording of a court proceeding held by video or audio conference, including "screen-shots" or other visual or audio copying of a hearing or conference IS PROHIBITED. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including restricted entry to future hearings and conferences, denial of entry to future hearings and conferences, removal of Court-issued media credentials, or any other sanctions deemed appropriate by the Court

TO ASSIST THE COURT REPORTER, the parties are ORDERED to: (1) state their name each time they speak and only speak when directed by the Court; (2) not to interrupt the Court or anyone else; (3) speak slowly and clearly; (4) if appearing by telephone, use a dedicated land line if at all possible, rather than a cell phone; (5) if a cell phone is absolutely necessary, the parties must be stationary and not driving or moving; (6) no speaker phones under any circumstances; (7) provide the name and citation of any case cites; and (8) spell all names, even common names.

Zoom Hearing Credentials - Department 23 - Courtroom J

Click on this link to join the Zoom meeting (no meeting ID or passcode required): CLICK TO JOIN NOW(link is external)          

Dial in:
Phone Number: +1 (669) 254-5252
Meeting ID: 161 514 9089
Password: 006757

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00 a.m. Pre-trial Conferences
(Contact Dept)
(Contact Dept)
(Contact Dept)
(Contact Dept)
1:30 p.m.     Ex-parte's   Ex-parte's
2:00 p.m. General Law & Motion
(Zoom Audio & Video)
(Contact Dept)
(Contact Dept)
(Contact Dept)
Case Management and Trial Setting Conferences
(Zoom Audio & Video)
3:00 p.m. Complex Law & Motion
(Zoom Audio & Video)
2:30 p.m. (Zoom Audio & Video)