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Program Information

More and more people and businesses are using Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) to solve their legal problems. ADR is usually faster, cheaper, and less stressful than going to trial. ADR also lets you resolve your disputes in a more private environment.

Choosing an ADR Provider

The Multi-Option ADR Project (MAP) has prepared a list of ADR providers to help you with your case. These providers are mediators, arbitrators, and neutral evaluators.

You and the other parties can use this list to select an experienced, trained ADR provider. Then, schedule a session directly with the provider.

You can also choose an ADR provider who is not on this list, if all parties agree to use that person.

ADR Fees

You and the other parties will pay the costs and fees for ADR directly to your provider. Usually, parties split the fees. Tell the ADR provider that this is a San Mateo Superior Court MAP referral.

You can check the Panelist List to get the contact information and hourly fees for each panelist. You can also look for panelists by areas of subject matter expertise.

If you do not have enough money to pay the fees, you can fill out and submit a financial aid application either by mail or email. We will check if you are eligible for financial aid through the ADR program. If you want financial aid, you must apply before you select your ADR Provider.


You have 21 days from your Case Management Conference (CMC) to fill out and file the Stipulation and Order To ADR form. This form tells the court:

  • which ADR program you have selected,
  • whom you have selected as your ADR neutral, and
  • the date of the ADR session.

Within 10 days of completing ADR, you and your lawyer (if you have one) must fill out the following:


If you have questions about ADR or the providers on this list, contact ADR Program staff.

Phone: (650) 261-5075
or (650) 261-5076