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Odyssey Portals

Please read this message in its entirety before proceeding to the Odyssey Public Portal.

There is a link to the Odyssey Public Portal at the bottom of this section.

  • Displays a register of actions for non-confidential or non-sealed cases in the following case types: civil, criminal, family law, probate, small claims, and traffic.
  • Non-confidential and non-sealed case documents: are only accessible for civil, family law, probate, small claims, and traffic case types.
  • Information for the following case types is NOT available online: adoption, juvenile, and mental health. The court has chosen to exclude the above information from access via the Internet. If the information is not confidential by law, or you are a party to the action, you may obtain the information at the Clerk's Office.
  • Traffic payments: may be made via the Odyssey Public Portal.

Listed below is some information and some helpful tips for using the court's online, case-related services:

Searching Case Information:

MIDX - MIDX is an index that allows you to search San Mateo Superior Court's non-confidential and non-sealed cases by case number, party name or case filing date.

Odyssey Public Portal - The Odyssey Public Portal allows you to view non-confidential and non-sealed case information and documents. Juvenile, adoptions, paternity and mental health cases are not accessible via this portal. Family law documents are currently precluded from being displayed on this portal.

Searching for Cases or Parties in the Odyssey Public Portal:

We recommend using a "wildcard" search if you do not know the exact Odyssey party name or case number. A wildcard search uses an asterisk (*). For example, if searching for Generic Company, Inc., a wildcard search may be Generic Co*. By doing the wildcard search, a user does not need to know exactly how the data was entered to return search results. Additional filtering options for more precision searching may be found by selecting Advanced Filtering Options from the main Smart Search page.

Once a search result has been obtained and a user has drilled-down into that record, the most efficient way to return to the search results is to use the "bread crumbs" at the top of the page. To return to the listing of search results, click on the Search Results bread crumb.

No registration is needed to access the Odyssey Public Portal. Eventually additional services may be added to the Odyssey Public Portal that may require registration.

Converted Data:

The court converted all data and documents from its previous system into Odyssey. The data elements from the previous system do not have a one-to-one correspondence to data elements in Odyssey. This means converted data will not display as well in the Odyssey Public Portal since the Odyssey Public Portal was built to display "native" Odyssey data. All codes converted from the previous system were converted as event codes in Odyssey.

Converted court case numbers accessible via the Odyssey Public Portal always have alpha characters before the numbers. This applies to cases filed from January 1, 2000 through June 15, 2016. Family law case numbers begin with FAM such as FAM0123456; civil case numbers begin with CLJ or CIV such as CLJ123456 or CIV123456; probate case numbers begin with PRO such as PRO123456; small claims case numbers begin with SCS, SCC or SCN such as SCS123456 or SCC123456 or SCN123456; criminal case numbers begin with NM, NF, SC, SF or SM such as NM123456.

Native Odyssey case numbers (cases filed after June 15, 2016) almost always begin with the two-digit filing year followed by a three character case type prefix and then followed by a number. Some examples of native Odyssey case number formats are: 16CIV00123; 16CLJ00123; 16FAM00123; 16PRO00123; 16SCS00123.

Proceed to the Odyssey Public Portal

Please read this message in its entirety before proceeding to the Odyssey Attorney Portal.

There is a link to the Odyssey Attorney Portal at the bottom of this section.

  • Displays a register of actions for non-confidential or non-sealed cases in the following case types: civil, family law, probate, small claims, criminal and traffic.
  • Non-confidential and non-sealed case documents: are only accessible for civil, probate, small claims, criminal and traffic case types.
  • Information for the following case types is NOT available online: adoption, juvenile, paternity, and mental health. The court has chosen to exclude the above information from access via the Internet. If the information is not confidential by law, or you are a party to the action, you may obtain the information at the Clerk's Office.

Searching Case Information:

MIDX - MIDX is an index that allows you to search San Mateo Superior Court's non-confidential and non-sealed cases by case number, party name or case filing date. While Open Access allowed linking from MIDX directly into a case in Open Access; the Odyssey Attorney Portal has additional security that does not allow linking directly into a case in the Odyssey Attorney Portal.

Odyssey Attorney Portal - The Odyssey Attorney Portal allows a registered attorney to view non-confidential and non-sealed case information and documents. Juvenile, adoptions, paternity and mental health cases are not accessible via this portal. Other than minute orders, no family law documents are displayed at this time. Family law documents are currently precluded from being displayed on this portal.

Searching for Cases or Parties in the Odyssey Attorney Portal:

We recommend using a "wildcard" search if you do not know the exact Odyssey party name or case number. A wildcard search uses an asterisk (*). For example, if searching for Generic Company, Inc., a wildcard search may be Generic Co*. By doing the wildcard search, a user does not need to know exactly how the data was entered to return search results. Additional filtering options for more precision searching may be found by selecting Advanced Filtering Options from the main Smart Search page.

Once a search result has been obtained and a user has drilled-down into that record, the most efficient way to return to the search results is to use the "bread crumbs" at the top of the page. To return to the listing of search results, click on the Search Results bread crumb.

Registration is required to access the Odyssey Attorney Portal.

Converted Data:

The court converted all data and documents from its previous system into Odyssey. The data elements from the previous system do not have a one-to-one correspondence to data elements in Odyssey. This means converted data will not display as well in the Odyssey Attorney Portal since the Odyssey Attorney Portal was built to display "native" Odyssey data. All codes converted from the previous system were converted as event codes in Odyssey.

Converted court case numbers accessible via the Odyssey Attorney Portal always have alpha characters before the numbers. This applies to cases filed from January 1, 2000 through June 15, 2016. Family law case numbers begin with FAM such as FAM0123456; civil case numbers begin with CLJ or CIV such as CLJ123456 or CIV123456; probate case numbers begin with PRO such as PRO123456; small claims case numbers begin with SCS, SCC or SCN such as SCS123456 or SCC123456 or SCN123456.

Native Odyssey case numbers (cases filed after June 15, 2016) almost always begin with the two-digit filing year followed by a three character case type prefix and then followed by a number. Some examples of native Odyssey case number formats are: 16CIV00123; 16CLJ00123; 16FAM00123; 16PRO00123; 16SCS00123.

Learn how to register for an Odyssey Attorney Portal account.

Proceed to the Odyssey Attorney Portal

Please DO NOT attempt to register for a portal account.    This may delay or prevent your access.  An in-person appointment is required to process your request.

  • If you already have a Pro Per (Self Represented) portal account, please click on the button below.

Proceed to the Family Law/Civil Pro Per (Self-Represented) Portal