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Remote Appearance Protocol For Master Calendar

The Court will be expanding the use of remote appearances by way of Zoom Audio/Video to be used by our justice partners who would like to appear remotely for certain calendars and hearing types. Please refer to the Calendar Appearance Requirement Matrix, a separate attachment, for specific detail as to calendar appearance requirements (Zoom, in-person, etc.).

Presiding Judge's Master Calendar

* An in person appearance is required for an ex-parte hearing absent prior approval by the Presiding Judge

  • Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. Master Calendar If your case is assigned by Master Calendar to another department for hearing, you will need to join the assigned department by using their specific Zoom credentials.

The following is required of all Audio/Video attendees:

  • Follow the same courtroom etiquette requirements when appearing remotely as you would in person
  • Mute your audio when you are not speaking
  • You must state your name each time you speak so that we may capture an accurate record
  • Do not put the call on hold as music will play, and you will by disconnected by the Audio/Video conferencing host, and you will need to rejoin the Audio/Video conferencing session
  • If the case requires an interpreter, consecutive interpretation may be required
    • Please speak slowly and pause at regular intervals to allow for the interpreter to interpret for the defendant